The Honey

Bees appeared on earth 80 million years ago, around, and evolved from insects that looked like wasps. Today worldwide there are over 20,000 bee species and 700 genera, between them and the common bee Apis Mellifera L. believed that the point they began spreading the Apis Mellifera was the site of the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. The minimum bee size is 2 millimeters and the maximum is 39 millimeters.

For the ancient Greeks honey was the food of the gods, for the Egyptian precious medicine. Coming to today, scientific research consistently confirms the healing properties attributed to it.

Honey comes from the nectar that bees collect from the cubes of the various flowers or from the secretions of melliferous trees or insects. By the action of gastric fluids and enzymes, as well as various insect processes, it is completely transformed and finally transformed into this valuable product, honey.

It is a unique natural sweetener of great biological value, with distinct nutritional value. It has been proven by scientific research to be healthy food and has numerous ingredients essential to the human body. It contains dozens of natural elements such as vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, hydrogen peroxide, minerals, etc., which altogether exceed 180, whose value is unquestionable in the modern diet. In addition, honey also has antioxidants.


Honey is a fast-acting food, instantly assimilated by the body, suitable for athletes, children, pregnant women, sick people and generally for any affected organism.